October Thoughts

It is October, a fairly consequential month in my life.  October 3 marks the 3rd anniversary of my husband’s death. October 4 will by my 81st birthday. October 5 is my second experience of  my third version of treatment for Multiple Myeloma, an incurable (so far) blood cancer that has been my companion since 2015.

But October continues to prove that through all of this God has been good.  I have many friends who transport me to my weekly treatment appointments – and sit with me through them. I have friends who bring me flowers – sometimes from their gardens, who make weekly visits to the library to pick up (and return) books I have put on hold had the library. I have a neighbor who picks up packages from the Amazon delivery center. I have the maintenance man from my apartment who regularly comes with a BIG smile to fix leaks and stuck doors and replaces light bulbs. I have friends who text regularly to check on me and friends who come to visit. Just today a friend came to look a cord that was loose on my walker and stayed to talk city politics.

I have a son who brings me pizza on chemo night and lugs my garbage to the apartment complex’s dumpster and hauls away my empty pop cans and fixes my computer and phone. I have a daughter-in-law who calls to check on me and brings me groceries that my delivery person missed and takes my favorite afghan to the dry cleaners. I have a son in Kansas who sends me links to a PBS panel he has been on and newsletters about the Honors College he heads up and photos of my granddaughter and her softball team.

I have a thoughtful and compassionate cancer doctor who has supported me, encouraged me, and provided me with treatments for eight years. I have an internal medicine doctor who gave me an an insulin plan to deal with the steroids in my treatment that send my blood sugar sky high – and who just e-mailed me a new version of that plan to combat the issues I had this week.

And today my fingers and brain actually worked together so that I could write this post and let my readers know that I am still alive and kicking.



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6 Responses to October Thoughts

  1. Lupe says:

    Your attitude of gratitude in inspiring.  God is so good and his love shines through your word.

  2. covenyk says:

    Thank you, Karen.  So good to hear from you about your updates and your life.  You sound good

  3. Mary Kay Schoon says:

    How very wonderful to read this post! I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow and remembering Fred. 



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  4. Susie says:

    God is indeed good, all of the time! I’m very grateful that you are “alive and kicking.” I look forward to hearing from you and enjoy so much the resources you share. Happy Birthday…and many more!

  5. Happy early birthday!!!

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